My Holiday Wishlist?

Cross posted at Employee Evolution

Tis the season where family and friends start asking the dreaded: what do you want for Christmas? My parents finally dropped it on me. I was actually talking to Rachel about this and she made a very excellent point:

At this stage in my life I don’t need more “things.” I’m at a stage where I value experiences over things.

Brilliant. As a student of the uber-successful Tim Ferriss I agree entirely that I’d much rather a few bucks towards a ski-trip in Canada over a few bucks towards a new suit.

In twenty years am I going to look back and remember how nice that jacket looked? No, I’ll stop and remember the great time I had in Bamf. Besides, our society defines gifts as expected and necessary. That defeats the purpose to me.

Besides, we have too much stuff anyway. This year I’m going to ask someone to donate to a cause in my name or sponsor my upcoming adventure. That sounds like a pretty good wishlist to me.

Excellent Thanksgiving tips

From Keith Ferrazzi:

I do try to consciously practice gratitude every day, but certainly Thanksgiving is a reminder to us all. I recall driving up to Santa Barbara to meet some friends for the holiday one year and just scrolling through my cell phone and dialing people to say how grateful I was at that very moment for their presence in my life. How truly blessed I am, for so many different reasons, for the moments these people, like my writing partner Tahl Raz, walked into my life. The more people I called, the better I felt about myself and the world. What a gift it was to give to myself and I absolutely encourage you to try it… follow the discussion at the never eat along blog.

From DailyOM:

Often when we practice being thankful, we go through the process of counting our blessings, acknowledging the wonderful people, things and places that make up our reality. While it is fine to be grateful for the good fortune we have accumulated, true thankfulness stems from a powerful comprehension of the gift of simply being alive, and when we feel it, we feel it regardless of our circumstances. In this deep state of gratitude, we recognize the purity of the experience of being, in and of itself, and our thankfulness is part and parcel of our awareness that we are one with this great mystery that is life… follow the discussion at DailyOM.

From Tim Ferriss:

From Thanksgiving to next Thursday, November 29th, ask yourself the following question each morning, immediately upon waking up and before getting out of bed:

What am I truly grateful for in my life?

Aim for five answers, and if you have trouble at first, ask yourself alternative probing questions such as:

What relationships do I have that others don

Driving Relationships

Is it just me or do you start having relationships with drivers on the road with you? I start calling them by their make, model, and/or color. “Come on in Green Toyota, you let me merge back there a bit ago.” Is that silly? Is that just me? Oh, and thanks for cutting me off, Black Cadillac. I hate when people mistake half a car-length as an invitation.

Wise Hypothesis

From a wise guy I know (those that share our own beliefs are often viewed as wise):

If you believe the stereotype that “Eastern” minds (Chinese in particular) are better at math than occidental minds, and math is the basis of the technology which moves information, and access to information is the basis for economic power, then the 21st century will see the economic ascension of the Chinese economy, and the setting of the U.S.

Among many other factors, yes, there will be setting.

Unfair, unethical World Series ticket sales

I have a huge issue with how tickets were sold here on Monday/Tuesday to the World Series games in Denver. My biggest issue is with the lying, unfair company behind the online ticket sales, Paciolan Inc.

Here’s a run-down of all the issues and what I suspect really happened:

  • No tickets were sold in-person: They said putting them all online would be more fair to the public. Wrong! It would’ve been more fair to put some tickets at Coors Field because Denver locals would be guaranteed fairly-priced tickets. Instead, people without internet access had to go to the local library (they still took the day off!). Someone (probably at Paciolan) convinced the Rockies to sell all their tickets online. You know, because people at work couldn’t go down and wait in line.
  • Delayed their press conference over an hour: Rockies officials said they’d talk about what would happen to ticket sales at 5:00pm yesterday. Nobody showed up until around 6:30pm. Unprofessional. Two problems, 1) it doesn’t take 5 hours to fix a server issue unless your code or architecture are severely unscalable, 2) you don’t leave millions of people hanging around waiting unless you really don’t have a good answer. They didn’t.
  • They were taken down by a DDoS attack: I think this is a downright lie. Paciolan says the Rockies ticket sales had nothing to do with their servers suddenly crawling to a halt on Monday. Thus, causing ticket sales to be suspended until noon the next day. No, this was not an attack, it was a lot of people trying to buy a ticket all at once. How do I know? They said they had backup plans ready for Tuesday. Yet… the servers crawled to a halt again. That’s how the internet works! No way was there an attack that couldn’t have been prevented (by a competent service provider).
  • Monday had many evenue web servers, Tuesday had one: On Monday we were directed to… along with ev8, ev14 and a slew of other subdomains. On Tuesday I only saw ev3. My suspicion: they blocked certain users and sent them to a default error page that only refreshed with no intention of allowing a ticket purchase. I tried connecting to all the other servers today with no luck. They obviously exist though, go search on Google. I have a strong suspicion because….
  • IP-blocking was occurring: Paciolan outright said they had blocked ‘suspicious’ IP addresses (you know, because of all that attacking going on). No way! By saying that we know they blocked people, but not specifically who or what. They could go straight to the firewall and deny multiple connections from the same IP-address and send them off to some phony page (like, the ev3 server). So, then Company A has 50 employees and they all try to connect at once. Paciolan then denies all of them sending them to ev3 and an eternity of refreshing. No intention of ever selling tickets to these people. Oops, what happened to the fairness of people buying tickets at work? Rumor has it they were also trying to blocking IPs that weren’t “local.”
  • Lying about refreshing a page: Paciolan put up a message on Tuesday saying that manually refreshing the page will put you at the ‘end of the line’. Despite the obvious fact their own page was a simple countdown that then, you guessed it, refreshed the page. Just another way to manipulate people and try to keep them from taking down their servers (again).

Long story short: Paciolan gets hit hard on Monday. Blocks a lot of people from buying tickets Tuesday. Lies to users and tells them not to refresh their pages. All because they don’t want to look like idiots that couldn’t handle World Series sales (or DDoS attacks for that matter).

If I were the Colorado Rockies (or any client of theirs for that matter) I would drop this company real quick for the shady, unprofessional job they did this week.