Tag Archives: holidays

My Holiday Wishlist?

Cross posted at Employee Evolution

Tis the season where family and friends start asking the dreaded: what do you want for Christmas? My parents finally dropped it on me. I was actually talking to Rachel about this and she made a very excellent point:

At this stage in my life I don’t need more “things.” I’m at a stage where I value experiences over things.

Brilliant. As a student of the uber-successful Tim Ferriss I agree entirely that I’d much rather a few bucks towards a ski-trip in Canada over a few bucks towards a new suit.

In twenty years am I going to look back and remember how nice that jacket looked? No, I’ll stop and remember the great time I had in Bamf. Besides, our society defines gifts as expected and necessary. That defeats the purpose to me.

Besides, we have too much stuff anyway. This year I’m going to ask someone to donate to a cause in my name or sponsor my upcoming adventure. That sounds like a pretty good wishlist to me.