Tuesday Tip: Get a paper shredder

I’ve put it off for so long. I always know I need to get a shredder and start destroying some documents. With 2006 taxes coming up I have no need to hold onto 2005 pay stubs, I’ve already reconciled to my W-2s. I have no need to hang onto old University bills, credit card statements, etc. In fact, here’s a guide on what you can trash. But, before you put it out on the curb you should definitely look a little closer..

So, do what I did and head out to Target (Wal-Mart, Office Max, etc.) and pick up one of those simple paper shredder attachments. They sit right on top of your existing trash cash and get the job done.

Shredder Attachment Tucked away nicely One at a time warning

I was scared to see the last four digits of my SSN showing up on pay stubs. With my name last four, and a little more work someone could probably get my wireless phone account, PayPal password reset, bank password, etc. Heck, with a bank statement you could probably verify my identity over the phone. You’ve heard of pretexting right?

My new shredder has given me peace of mind and more file cabinet space. So, what are you waiting for? It’ll probably cost you less than $15.

Warning: Be sure you only operate your shredder “one person at a time”. Muti-person simultaneous use is apparently a little-known hazard.

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About Devin Reams

My name is Devin Reams and I founded this site to provide a useful news and review resource for Colorado skiers and snowboarders (and mountain enthusiasts). I've been skiing since I was a little kid (we moved out here when I was five years old) and I plan to ski for years beyond that. Although cosnow is not my full-time job it is my full-time winter hobby. I've been an "Epic Local" passholder since 2006 (when it was called a "Colorado Pass" or "Five Mountain Pass"). My favorite resorts are Beaver Creek and Breckenridge.

11 thoughts on “Tuesday Tip: Get a paper shredder

  1. Lila

    What, and stop using the government shredders? We have the best shredders in the world. They have some sort of ultra cross-cut mechanism and make me wonder if one day I might lose an arm.

    I must admit, it is a bit awkward to bring personal documents (aka credit card offers) into the office for shredding.

  2. Devin

    Another great point. I know my employer has a third-party document destruction service. I’d feel a bit at ease knowing they’re destroyed and then taken off-site by professionals.

  3. Vince Williams

    It’s incomprehensible to me that my bank, in all its clueless imbecility, has spaces on the back of its ID cards for SS numbers.

    I’m sure that no one fills them out, except the very people who would be most vulnerable to identity theft–the senile or confused elderly– so if someone stole or found their wallet, they’ve got their vitals.

  4. zzap

    I bought one two days ago, as a matter of fact — I’m loving it. Except last night I accidentally shredded my school excursion permission slip. :/

    P.S. Allow me to see your Twitter status… or do you hate me? :( *cries*

  5. Devin

    Yeah, Vince. That’s like the DMV asking if you want your SSN including on your Driver’s License. Um, well, there’s everything I’d need to open a bank account on one handy card!

    Sorry, zzap, I forgot all about Twitter. You’re not alone, I had 10 requests waiting. ;)


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