Review: Crash

I watched Crash last weekend and it was fantastic. Today I noticed that it was nominated for a few Acadamy Awards.

Rightfully so.

crash.jpgThis movie is a ‘simultanious drama’ where many peoples’ lives are intertwined. In short, Crash is an awesome look at racism and how it motivates people’s behavior. As Malcolm Gladwell has said, we can’t just ignore race. Our mind constantly ‘thin slices’ the world around us. Unfortunately, we have little to no control over this process…

The characters in the movie demonstrate this point through some of society’s most extreme sterotypes, beliefs, and their respective actions (and reactions). Crash is, as IMDB describes it, a “no-nonsense look at the way life is for so many”. I especially liked this opening quote:

“It’s the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We’re always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.”

I’d give this movie a 10/10. If you haven’t seen it yet, you know what you need to do now…

Is myspace Serious?

I may regret saying this but: what the fuck, myspace? I tried to log in to it today for the second time and it was down. You either hate me, your users, or some mixture of both. “Login is temporarily disabled while we fix some database problems. We’ll be back shortly. 2/2/2006” So many questions flow through my mind at this point. What happens to the people already logged in? Why can I see every other part of the site except the one page that says ‘processing login’? What can really be wrong with the database that this one function has to be disabled? Why is this site so damn ugly? So on and so forth… why don’t people demand better service from one of the largest websites in the world? Teenagers are the last people I’d expect to be so complacent…

Mr. Six Revealed

I worked at Six Flags this summer (Cash Control Supervisor) and I’ve come to love and hate the Venga Boys’ song (We Like to Party). The individual who danced to that song on the commercials has been identified as one of the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy guys, Danny Teeson. As usual I’ll remain skeptical (as I’ve seen thousands of rumors online). Paul Davidson has ‘the scoop’ at Writing For My Enjoyment.

Bloggers Write Too Much

Dear Bloggers,

Many of you (including yours truly) write too much!

I want to point you to A List Apart which wrote on ‘How to Write a Better Blog‘ back in 2002. A number of bloggers write like ‘amateurs’. I don’t mean that literally, that’s just how the article labels these individuals.

I think we can all agree there is almost too much content to keep up with. I submit that we all do each other a favor and become more aware of our own writing styles.

Declarative sentences are good. Web readers demand pith.

Steve Rubel is very good at blogging. If everyone emulated his style I could get through my feeds a hundred times faster and absorb a thousand times more content. For example, see how long it takes to read the following:

Pheedo launched a new RSS ad unit that displays PR Web press releases. In other words, press releases – dressed up as ads – are coming to an RSS feed near you. (Micro Persuasion)

By the end of that second sentence I know everything I need to know. If I really want to get more information I’d either read on, click the link, or do both. Steve is a very good writer (good thing, given his job) and is very good at getting to the point.

Short-and-sweet is easier to do when creating news-like entries, but what about in-depth original content? Well, Seth Godin is an amazingly concise, yet extrmely insightful writer:

Human beings respond to emergencies. It’s easy to get everyone to take action if we’re in the middle of some sort of security crisis… but fixing the educational system isn’t going to happen. (Seth’s Blog)

Again, these sentences are quick and to the point. There is no dancing around with extra descriptions and examples. This makes reading his blog extremely useful.

I hate to say this, but when a post from Business Logs shows up I often ignore it. Their entires are great, don’t get me wrong. A full page of words is hard to read though. For example, the following:

“I’m a little torn here, so I’m in need of some good comment-based advice ? it’s regarding my impending purchase of a laptop, or should I say, a palm-top.” (Business Logs)

…could quickly become:

“I need some advice regarding a laptop (or should I say palm-top) purchase.”

Mike, no offense, I too have found myself saying more than I need to.

I also found a post the other day that seemed to drag on. I wanted to find out about how to make my PC look like OSX. The following:

“To make a long story short, I love the fluidity of the Frutiger font family, so I tried (unsuccessfully) to snag the Frutiger Next type face. I did, however, manage to snag the original version of Frutiger, which I don’t think you’re supposed to be able to get without a license. Believe it or not, I got the font courtesy of Microsoft, simply because they bundle the font with Microsoft Reader.” (pearsonified)

…is really just saying:

“I looked for Frutiger Next because I love the fluidity of the Frutiger font family. I guess you don’t need a license for Frutiger becuase I snagged it via the Microsoft Reader.”

Like I said, I don’t mean to offend, Chris. My point is, I’m less likely to subscribe to (or read) paragraphs of ‘stream of consciousness’ (but I did try out FlyakiteOSX; thanks for the pointer!).

I could go on highlighting long-winded individuals but I think the point has been made. A little bit of editing could go a long way…

Keep in mind I’m not trying to be as constructive as it may seem. I’m selfishly asking people to get to the point so I have more time to read my long-winded accounting textbooks… ;-)

Facebook Photos

This Facebook statistic blows me away: “10278 photos have been uploaded at Colorado today”. That’s just one day! Is it just me or are photos a powerful connector? The ease of the internet means enhanced abilities to share pictures. I think there’s definitely something to that…

Google and Evil

I’m starting to hate this Google-China attack fest, lately. Do people forget Google is a company? Do people realize that China is huge? ‘Evil’ is such a relative term, just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s evil. In addition, why do we have double standards? MSN and Yahoo were first to comply and go to China. Please realize that competition is sometimes about standing up to the bad guys (DOJ) and other times its doing what’s best for the company and its users (China). Why on earth does Google warrant crap like this logo changer? I wonder what we’ll find to be ‘evil’ next week…