I’ve decided it was time to focus a bit more on my personal health including my diet and exercise:
- First Step: Joined a gym since moving. I’ve paid for the membership which allows me M/W/F/Sun access. I also scheduled 9-10pm on my calendar so that I keep it on my radar.
- Second Step: Paid attention to what I eat. I’ve created my traineo account in order to track my diet (both quality and quantity). I use FitDay to quickly reference what kinds of calories I’m really eating.
- Third Step: Paid attention to my activities. I’ve never really been aware of how active I am but by using traineo I can start to chart and improve my weekly workouts.
It’s not revolutionary but I’ve realized just being more aware of something can help you on your way to improving it.
really proud of you for doing pilates and spinning dear. keep it up. i saw the nutty professor last night and thought of you:)
That makes me wonder which part of the movie reminded you of me…
Staying more active is one of my goals for 2008, I didn’t know about traineo.
Looks very cool, I just signed up.
Good luck with your goals.
Thanks, good luck staying active. Come out to CO and ski some this season. ;)
thats a good idea. what gym only gives you access 4 days a week? I used to work out late at night in college, and noticed it often left me too pumped to sleep. The advantage i guess is the gym is empty at that hour.
either way, keep us all updated on how its going. Use the readers of your blog to keep you motivated.
happy new year!
I went with 24 Hour Fitness because the 4 day a week is really all I need.. and I can go at any time of the day–it’s pretty excellent (only $20/month).
Thanks for stopping by, Brian.