Did you know that exercising can make you a happier person? Well it certainly has in my case. See, at the beginning of the year I made some crazy resolutions; this was called my “Personal Improvement Project.” I started working out a few times a week (the goal was 3 times) and then in the summer I joined a big athletic club down the street (rated one of the best in Colorado) and now visit it usually 4 or 5 times a week.
Let me back up. Potential-Nobel-Prize-Winner Scott Adams has come up with a pretty accurate description of happiness:
Sometimes you think you
For some reason, when I read the first sentence, about exercise making you happy, all I could think of was Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde being like, “Exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t kill their husbands!” So basically, Devin, if there’s anyone you need to off, now would be a great time to do it because when they investigate the murder, they will undoubtedly read your blog looking for evidence, and they’ll just say, “Well, this kid has apparently been doing a lot of exercising, and since that releases endorphins, he can’t have done it, because happy people don’t kill people, duh.”
P.S. Do you go to Lakeshore? It’s so shmancy! They even give you razors, which I’m assuming are quite sterile because it’s so shmancy there, in the locker rooms! And a tennis court on the roof? You can’t beat that.
Well I’m close to 1-week into a 1-year membership at the local gym and I couldn’t be happier.
Exercising has drastically improved my life, honestly I would most certainly be dead by now without it and I am only 32!