
The PlayStation Network is now shut down indefinitely following a security breach. I have no problem with that fact I can’t access supplementary online multiplayer gaming. But, I can’t wrap my head around why PSN has its tentacles in every downloadable application I’ve installed. Hulu, which has its own very nice authentication system, cannot be accessed now (ever again?) because I must pass my credentials through PSN. Why is this PSN layer mandatory and in front of an application that has nothing to do with PlayStation’s network? I haven’t tried but I assume the same is true for and the Netflix app. I’m calling it: the Apple TV is much better positioned to foster the app economy and will capture the lion’s share of the “box connected to TV” market (video, games, movies) by popularizing a much better ecosystem in the 6-8 months PlayStation spends rebuilding PSN.

2 thoughts on “Why is PlayStation Network a single point of failure?

  1. Dan does require PSN. It’s very frustrating to pay $120 for service to use through my PS3 and then lose 6 weeks of service due to a PSN security breach. I’ve lost 25% of the games I’ve paid to watch! I don’t care about the online gaming as I haven’t played a game online in a few months anyway. But to not have access to my paid services (that have nothing to do with PSN) simply because PSN has shut down is illogical and probably criminal.

    Question: Was my account compromised by this security breach? If authentication requires PSN, are my login credentials stored within PSN? Shame on Sony if that is the case.

    1. Devin Reams Post author

      I don’t have any reason to believe your account is compromised, but it sure is frustrating that it’s affected for no logical reason by this PSN outage.

      Good thing I have my Apple TV.


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