Category Archives: Humor

The “Tebow”ne Shot

If you’ve watched any football lately you’d know we and the media all love Tim Tebow and his on-field down-on-one-knee prayers during the games.

Well, have you heard of the “Tebow”ne shot? I hadn’t either until the other night when we visited a local pub here in Denver (specializing in meats), Euclid Hall, with some friends.

Since Tebow’s signature move is ripe for emulating and very topical (all the cool kids are doing it), here’s a little bar trick to teach your friends:

  • place an order for a “shot” of your choosing
  • finish off your tasty bone marrow appetizer, save the bone
  • get down on one knee with the bone and the shot
  • tilt head back, open mouth
  • pour said shot down aforementioned bone into mouth

There you have it, the “Tebow”ne (get it? T-bone!) shot. If anything, it’s fun to describe to people, but even more entertaining if you’re looking for some attention…


We at Crowd Favorite get email notifications for every commit in the company. This leads to some fairly entertaining commit messages coming across. Mine typically consist of “oops, forgot semicolon” just because I don’t know what I’m doing. I can see how this site could take off pretty quickly in the developer community. (via @kottke)

List of potential new Apple products

If the rumors are true, Apple may be planning a new product launch to coincide with the 10th anniversary of their retail stores. The stores have been wildly successful and much of Apple’s growth may likely be attributed to them. So what can Apple release that would get bodies into the malls? What haven’t they done already? Here’s all I can come up with:

* Digital alarm clock
* Flip phone
* Electric toothbrush
* Blu-ray player
* Video Game console
* Plasma TV
* E Ink reader
* Electric shaver
* Microwave
* [Vacuum](
* Fridge
* Hybrid vehicle
* [Digital wristwatch](
* 3D glasses
* Vinyl record player

That’s the exhaustive list of items I’ve been able to compile. Who’s ready to start some bets?