
From the Forecast Blog:

…if it looks and feels like an app, and lives on your home screen, it’s an App. With a capital “A.” I’d go as far as to say the best weather App in the world right now is a web app. I may be biased, of course, but the fact that Forecast is even a contender is kind of a big deal. It raises the question: why aren’t there more high quality mobile web apps that have the look, feel, and performance of their native counterparts?

Some of my favorite apps are “just” web apps or bookmarked mobile sites on my home screen: Forecast, COTrip, OpenSnow, TestFlight, GameTonight, Untappd, Techmeme and on and on.

I don’t know many folks outside the web industry that realize this is a feature. I hope apps like Forecast continue to pave the way…


Louisville is in fact the nominal favorite to win the tournament despite its tough draw, according to the FiveThirtyEight forecast. Still, Louisville has only a 23 percent chance of doing so, just ahead of Indiana at 20 percent.

He and his models picked all 50 states for the US Presidency and the NCAA tournament winner? Stay in school, kids…


From Peter Bright at Ars Technica:

Of particular interest to Web developers: there won’t be any -blink or -chrome CSS prefixes; like Mozilla, all new experimental features will require developers to enable them in the browser’s options page.

Shucks. I was really looking forward to trying -blink-text-decoration: blink.


Facebook just invited press to an event at its headquarters on April 4th to “Come See Our New Home On Android”. Sources tell us it will be a modified version of the Android operating system with deep native Facebook functionality on the homescreen that may live on an HTC handset.

Something tells me Facebook making a phone with HTC may go as well as that time Apple made a phone with Motorola.

Link, Inc. today announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire Goodreads, a leading site for readers and book recommendations that helps people find and share books they love.

Daaaaangit. I just moved my reading lists from Shelfari over to Goodreads because, get this, Amazon stopped maintaining Shelfari after purchasing it back in 2008. This doesn’t bode well for the future of Goodreads…


I can’t stop thinking how easy it could potentially be to truly “disrupt” the airline industry. Judge Gomila looks at a number of aspects of flying that don’t make sense:

It would be silly if you had to recheck all safety tests with an independent agency before driving a car every single time. Having to watch the simple safety instructions every flight is a waste of time and energy for the passenger. No one even watches it anyway. We need to take this online and out of the cabin, making it a test that people hold a license for, rather like a driving license.

I know the aviation industry is something Horace Deidu has been thinking about recently, too. It encourages me to see smart folks talking about these things in addition to folks like BlackJet creating (admittedly, less accessible) stepping stones in the meantime.


Chris Brogan, on Ev William’s Medium:

I’ve written five posts, all of them in a different collection … I’ve written about what mantras and chanting have done to improve my business. I’ve written about Microsoft Windows 8 and how it’s a disruptor. I’ve written about my mostly plant-based eating choices. All over the map. If I wrote this way on this blog, it’d be hard to know whether to subscribe or not. (Yes, I write somewhat varied material here, but there’s still a general theme.) That, to me, is the magic button of Medium.

I disagree. Lots of services already aggregate long-form discussions around a common taxonomy (Tumblr being of note).

Plus, this is something Chris Yeh first talked about back in 2007: The Grand Unified Theorem of Blogging — I piggy-backed on it with my own post titled Blogging Audiences and Feedback

In short: the more you talk about, the less focused you are, the less readership your site will enjoy. In other words, if you don’t write for a niche you won’t be “successful.”

As Yeh followed up in the comments: “Success means different things to different people. Like you, I’m content to write about the things that interest me, and to let the chips fall as they may.”

While Medium certainly reminds me of the blog networks and webrings of the early years, I’m confident they’re also aware of the reasons we no longer see webrings and blog networks. “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Related: What competition is WordPress up against?


Some of my writing has been featured over on the Breckenridge Connection blog again for GoBreck (the chamber of commerce). This time I looked at the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday and highlighted some events and venues for celebrating the day of food and feast (the best kind of day, in my opinion). Click through to read the post on


A few weeks ago I published a look at one of my favorite restaurants and breweries in Colorado over at the Breckenridge Connection blog: Breckenridge Brewery & Pub. You don’t have to twist my arm to get me to go for happy hour when up in Breckenridge. Check it out if you’re interested in learning more about the little brewery that was early to the craft brewing scene here in Colorado (going on 20+ years now).